Articles by mario


August 4, 2014 // 0 Comments

If I had to summarize in one word all this bitter feeling of anguish that fills me in front of so much tragedy, I would choose the word – Enough! Enough! is a powerful [...]

The Sacrifice Trap

July 28, 2014 // 0 Comments

Until when will this useless strife continue? Kenneth Boulding, English economist and philosopher, coined a concept called-”the sacrifice trap” which explains, in a way, [...]

CAPI Calls for an Immediate Cease of Fire

July 28, 2014 // 0 Comments

CAPI adheres to the calls by human rights movements, in Israel and internationally, for an immediate cease of fire in and from the Gaza strip. CAPI firmly condemns  the [...]

Unified Jerusalem? Think Again

July 13, 2014 // 0 Comments

Anyone who needed additional proof that the “united city” project has failed, and that Jerusalem is now more divided than ever, has received it during this [...]
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